Thursday, September 11, 2008

haven't killed anyone yet

I'm on CP call this week. We take CP call for seven days at a time, and then at the end we present all the cases. My call began yesterday, and I only got called once. I just wish it hadn't been at 3 a.m.; I have been dragging all day.

The call concerned a child brought into the hospital who needed a blood transfusion. He had gotten a few units of blood at an outside hospital before being brought here. When they typed him here ... his blood type was not the same as the units he'd received. This is, of course, bad. The blood bank wanted to know whether to give the same blood type as the other hospital, or switch to the patient's actual blood type. He'd received so many units already that he was about half and half.

Not having rotated through the blood bank yet, I got as much information as I could, then called the attending. I think that's how most of the calls this week will go. The case actually ended up being pretty interesting (at least, the parts of it I could understand were), and I may do a presentation about it.

1 comment:

Charles English said...

wow. crazy. you will have to fill us all in on what happened with the blood. Definitely curious. Good posts as always...I can sense how busy you are through them. Exciting times.